Web Privacy & Security Statement


Comedy Festival (HCF)

Web Privacy & Security Statement

This Privacy and Security Policy Statement applies only to www.hubcapcomedyfestival.ca HubCap Comedy Festival de l’humour Inc.(herein after referred to as HCF) the operator of this website and www.hubcappromotions.ca and HubCap Promotions, a division of HubCap Comedy Festival, (herein after referred to as HCP). HCF / HCP along with its officers, directors, employees, clients, contractors and subcontractors are required to honour this Privacy and Security Policy Statement.

Some Terms We Use in this Policy

Personal Information is any information that identifies you with the exception of professional information such as your business address, business telephone and facsimile numbers and business e-mail address. It also includes your credit card number.

Cookies are small text files containing unique identification numbers that your web browser software transfers from our web site to your computer when you visit our site. HCF and HCP uses cookies to help us recognize your browser, make it easier for you to use our site and to help us customize your experience. Our use of cookies is described more fully below.

A Contractor is an entity with which HCF or HCP has an ongoing business relationship to provide data analysis, to assist in developing our website or to provide marketing services or specialized products or services or information to visitors to our site.

A Client is a person, company or organization who has contractually engaged the services of HCF or HCP.


The Personal Information We Collect, How it is Gathered and Used

If you choose to purchase products and/or services from us or one of our client’s sites, you must provide the following information: your name, credit card information, telephone number (in case our customer service personnel need to reach you about your order), mailing and/or shipping address, email address (so that we may send an email message about your order and, if you opted-in, to send you our email newsletter and/or special offers). In the following paragraphs, we outline the services and activities in connection with which we gather your Personal Information and provide details on how that Personal Information is used.

All of these services are optional; if you do not wish to provide Personal Information, you may simply decline to take advantage of that service.

Personal Information is collected in the following ways:

  • Online Purchases – To process your order, to contact you regarding your order, or to answer any questions/concerns you might have expressed. 
  • Online Registration – You do not have to register online with us or our clients.  Upon request a hard-copy form can be sent to you instead, but most online functions will not be available to you. As a registered member of our client’s site, you give us permission to store Personal Information about you, such as your e-mail address, online. This information is “remembered” each time you login and allows us to customize your site experience to your interests and to speed up the shopping process. Note: we do not store credit card information, which must be entered each time you place an order or register. 
  • Contests, Sweepstakes and Other Special Offers – We ask for only the Personal Information necessary to administer these special offers. You may be contacted about contests, sweepstakes and other special offers if you have opted to receive them. It will not affect your chances of winning if you choose to opt-out of receiving such offers at any time after having chosen to participate in one. To stop emails about special offers, access the Un-subscribe link provided in the email message. 

The Personal Information We Share and Who We Share It With

HCF / HCP will not sell, license, transmit or disclose this information outside of HCF / HCP and the company who contracted our services unless (a) expressly authorized by you, (b) necessary to enable HCF / HCP contractors or agents to perform certain functions for us, or (c) required or permitted by law. In all cases, we will disclose the information consistent with applicable laws and regulations and we will require the recipient to protect the information and use it only for the purpose it was provided.

HCF / HCP is obligated to share your Personal Information with the Contractors who we use for processing your business, as necessary to complete a transaction that you specifically request.

Under certain agreements we may make segments of your Personal Information available to other organizations as noted below: 


  • Under certain agreements, we may transfer aggregate survey information or information about your order, including your name, mailing address, description of your purchase and its dollar amount to a third party that we have retained to assist us in analyzing our marketing efforts to you. The third-party marketing company may use this information to assist in making decisions about the dissemination of our survey information or marketing and promotional offers. These companies are contractually prohibited from using, in any manner, the information obtained in the course of providing these services to HCF / HCP. 
  • Our Web Master, a third-party service provider, is used to help us gather and analyze our customers’ activities on our site. Their only role is to help us deliver the most relevant products and services to you. The information we share with them is anonymous, meaning that none of your identifiable Personal Information (such as your name, home address, credit card number, etc.) will be received by or shared with them. The only exception to the sharing of anonymous information is in the sharing of our opt-in email address list. In this instance they are helping us improve our client’s email offers to you by analyzing your requests. Our Web Master is contractually prohibited from using, in any manner the information obtained in the course of providing these services to HCF / HCP other than to help us provide you the best possible shopping experience on our site. HCF / HCP respects your right to choose whether to be included in the services provides to us by the third party. If you would like to opt-out of these services completely, please email privacy@hubcapcomedyfestival.ca.  
  • If you have opted in to receive email from us we will share your name and email address with our email service provider that delivers our email newsletters and special offers, but its use of this information is only permitted in connection with their administration and delivery of our email program. 

Disclosure Under Legal Duty

  • If compelled to do so by valid subpoena or court order or other governmental process, we may disclose your Personal Information as we are legally required to do. We may also use or disclose your Personal Information if necessary, to protect the interests of HCF, HCP or its Corporate Affiliates. 

How You Can Control the Use of Your Personal Information

There are several methods to contact us listed in this section. If you would like to change your Personal Information in our records or remove your name from our mailing list, contact us using one of the methods set out below. There are known methods that spammers can use to hide their identity by using other people’s email address to send out emails if you have a question about the genuineness of an email you receive from HCF or HCP contact us using the info@hubcapcomedyfestival.ca email address. 

  • In your email please include your name, address, telephone number, email address, and a note of instruction; or 
  • Call us toll free at 1-888-855-8522; or 
  • Write to us at: HubCap Comedy Festival., Attention Customer Service Privacy, 811 Main Street, Moncton, NB E1C 1G1. Include your name, address, telephone number, and a note of instruction; or 
  • To be removed from our promotional emailing list, please use the contact information above with “unsubscribe” in the subject line.
  • If you would like to opt out of the anonymous data collection done by our analytics provider, please email us at privacy@hubcapcomedyfestival.ca

Certain Technical Information You Should Know

Our Use of Cookies

We collect information on site visits about how users navigate through our web site. For example we use “cookie” technology to track which pages on our site our visitors view and which web browsers they use. We analyze this information in aggregate – that is, we collect this information and analyze it as a whole. We use this information to improve our site by making it more responsive to the needs and preferences of our users. On occasion, we may share this aggregate information with our affiliates or other third-party companies to indicate to them the amount of interest in our site and to help us plan for technical improvements. Note: this aggregated information will not identify you or any other user of our web site.

We use cookies when you register on our site so that each time you visit our site we can remember your specified area of interest and any other information you have voluntarily provided and saved, and for no other purpose.

We use cookies to track the items you placed in your shopping cart during a single shopping session and to enable us to provide better service in the future.

We use cookies to help us understand our web site traffic patterns to determine our visitors’ interests and needs. This helps us identify ways to improve our site by adding products and services that visitors have indicated by their preferences will benefit them. These cookies identify your computer and not your email address.

Because we rely on cookies to make the shopping experience easier and more tailored to your needs, your browser must be set to accept cookies before you can place an order at HCF or HCP. If you would like more information about how cookies work, go to http://www.cookiecentral.com 

Collection of Analytical Data

Our analytic service provider may use cookies on our behalf and may receive information about your browsing and buying activity on this web site. They also collect certain technical information from your computer each time you request a page during a visit to our website(s). This information may include your Internet Protocol (IP) address, your computer’s operating system, browser type and the address of a referring Web site, if any. Our service provider collects this information to help us enhance the quality of your experience during your visit to our site and will not sell or rent this information. They are contractually prohibited from using, in any manner, the information obtained in the course of providing these services to HCF or HCP, other than to help us provide you the best possible shopping experience on our site.

HCF and HCP respects your right to choose whether to be included in the services that our Analytics contractor provides to us. If you would like to opt-out of those services completely, please email us at privacy@hubcapcomedyfestival.ca  


How We Strive to Protect Personal Information 

Through HCF and HCP we have electronic and corporate policies and procedures in place for the security of every order placed online. We use Secure Socket Layer technology (SSL) to keep others from intercepting your information while it is being transmitted across the Internet. SSL technology is the industry standard method of communicating secure online transactions and is built into most major browsers. The secure mode begins when you initiate your order. All information, once on our server, is protected from any external intrusions. 

We will not retain your credit card number in our online systems once your order is processed, unless you have created a user profile and opted to save this information for future use or have selected a recurring payment option. Only HCF / HCP employees who require your Personal Information to serve you have access to your data, which is password protected. Employees who have access to Personal Information are trained in the privacy and security practices of this Statement. 

HCF and HCP may provide links to web sites outside of the HCF and HCP websites as an added convenience to our users. HCF / HCP is not responsible for the privacy, terms of use or other policies of any other web site or their management of your Personal Information. 

E-Mail Abuse 

There are many unscrupulous individuals operating on the internet today who would think nothing of fabricating an email to make it appear that it comes from HCF or HCP. These individuals may be engaging in a practice known as “phishing” in which they attempt to trick unwary recipients of email into divulging Personal Information. HCF / HCP will never request Personal Information in an unsolicited email message to you.

If you have any question about the genuineness of an email you receive that appears to be from HCF or HCP contact us at abuse@hubcapcomedyfestival.ca and do not furnish Personal Information in response to the email unless its authenticity can be verified.

Transaction Security

Secured communications on the web require attention to authentication, encryption and data integrity. All three are addressed by the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol. Authentication is the process of establishing that you are communicating with our web server, as opposed to another server assuming our identity. We have obtained a RapidSSL digital security certificate for www.hubcapcomedyfestival.ca and www.hubcappromotions.ca.  RapidSSL is an independent third party that authenticates the identity of others on the Internet. The RapidSSL certificate confirms that we are the recipients of your communication. Encryption is the process of scrambling data (through the use of keys and mathematical encoding algorithms) to prohibit anyone from understanding it if they intercept the data while it is on its way from your browser to our server. Encryption protects communications between your browser and our mainframe system. Our server space is protected by a firewall to guard of systems from intrusion. RapidSSL protects information en route to us, and the RapidSSL certificate confirms that we are the recipients of this information. You can be assured that we strive to protect your data with the utmost care at all points in the process. However, no data transmission over the Internet or any wireless network can be guaranteed to be absolutely secure. Therefore, we do not warrant or ensure the security of any information sent to us online. If you have questions, comments or concerns please contact us via email at privacy@hubcapcomedyfestival.ca or call us at 1-888-855-8522.

To ensure you are in SSL (Secure Socket Layer) or secure mode for your transactions, look at the address of the page. Secure pages will appear with an address that begins with https:// rather than the standard http://, or you can verify this by looking for a closed padlock icon at the bottom of your web browser.

Other Matters You Should Know

Links to Other Sites

We provide links to affiliated entities and on occasion to other sites we think you may enjoy. These sites operate independently of HCF and HCP and have established their own privacy and security policies. For the best online experience, we encourage you to review their respective privacy policies before submitting any Personal Information through these sites. 

Access to Your Personal Information

Except under circumstances defined by law, you are entitled to access your Personal Information collected by HCF or HCP by writing to: Customer Service Privacy Director, HubCap Comedy Festival, 811 Main Street, Moncton, NB E1C 1G1. We may ask you to pay an administrative fee for accessing or copying your information but will inform you of any anticipated charges and confirm that you want us to proceed before processing your request. If you believe that the Personal Information about you that we have collected is incomplete or inaccurate, HCF or HCP will correct the information upon verification of the omission or error and that the person requesting the change is the person about whom the Personal Information relates. If you wish additional information about our Personal Information management practices, to access, correct or have us investigate any matters in relation to your Personal Information, please contact our Customer Service Privacy Director at the address provided above or by calling toll-free at 1-888-855-8522. 

Updates to this Statement

We reserve the right to make changes at any time to our policies and/or alter the look and functionality of our web site. However, if we change how we use your Personal Information, we will post the policy change notification on the web site, and we will update this Statement accordingly. We encourage you to periodically review this Statement for the latest information on our privacy and security policies. 

*Our current statement was last updated December 11, 2023