Ann Vautour is an inspiring, dynamic and motivational consultant, facilitator and trainer who captivates audiences with her passion and humour. Through tailored workshops, programs and client sessions, she helps participants to go beyond conventional thinking, while sparking creativity and achieving organizational goals.
With more than 20 years of experience in both the public and private sectors, Ann is an expert in adult education and small group process. She is a co-creator of the program Sign In (designed to focus on the true spirit and meaning of collaboration), and is an affiliate of PassionWorks (a system to create and sustain passion in the workplace).
Ann is a certified Neuro-Linguistic Practitioner, Negotiation and Conflict Management Specialist, and Open Space Technology Specialist. She is qualified to administer the renowned Myers Briggs Type Indicator personality inventory, used in team building, conflict management and other areas of human development.
Ann’s charismatic and entertaining delivery style is her trademark. Her effectiveness in optimizing individuals, leaders and teams to go beyond conventional thinking has earned her great respect from clients and colleagues alike.
- 1. Excuse me... your stress is showing
Our lives are full, busy and sometimes chaotic. There is one person who can change that…it is YOU!
Our session is designed to let you explore techniques and give you tools to use in your personal and professional lives to make a change in your world.
This session is based on a Continuing Education Program sponsored by Dalhousie University and Continuing Medical Education that Ann designed and delivered for the College of Family Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. It addresses some of the root causes of stress, unhealthy work place environments and what you can do about it.
Take control, make it happen in ways you may never thought of…dare to take the challenge and make your world perfect! YOU DESERVE IT!
After this session you can improve your ability to:
- Understand stress and manage it
- Learn techniques to focus on what you want
- Create the life you want
- Tap into your sense of humour when you need it most
- 2. Sign In: Connect, Collaborate & Create with your Team
In today’s world, teams are much different than years ago. The traditional “team in a box” no longer serves organizations as well. More often individuals are interacting with people from within their own workplace, other organizations and communities. There is value and strength in being able to easily transition and adapt to each new interaction.
Our Teaming Program is designed using improvisation as a teaching tool for collaboration/working with others constructively and with fun! It focuses on internal clients, teams, external partners and on building strong connections and leveraging differences. Learning to create communities versus teams; building in networking theory and social capital makes this versatile program valuable for both professional and personal lives.
- 3. Work Personality Index (WPI)
A session, individual or group to strengthen work relationships)
The Work Personality Index is designed to identify personality traits that directly relate to work performance. This primary focus helps professionals make the most efficient and effective match between people and work roles. By helping identify individuals’ personality traits, the WPI can help guide coaching and individual development, enhance leadership development and succession planning, increase team effectiveness, and provide insight into how people can best manage their careers.
- 4. A Lift and a Laugh
A Lift and A Laugh is designed specifically for people who are looking for new ways to achieve fulfillment in all aspects of their lives.
Ann guides you through the steps it takes to choose the life you really want. Ann knows that being a successful person is not just about getting more. It’s about taking care of your greatest asset – YOU – in order to achieve the happiness you deserve! With Ann’s help and guidance, you can begin to identify the life you want and learn to make the choices that will help you realize it. Too easily we fit into a comfort zone that defines our horizons with the things we can see. It’s an approach to life that we know is reachable and safe.
Follow Ann’s lead as she works with you to:
- examine the power of attitude;
- discover the leader within;
- apply emotional intelligence;
- move from a can’t do to a can do mindset;
- explore self coaching tools
Judy Croon is a seasoned comedienne who has been entertaining audiences across North America for over 15 years. Her clean, clever and uplifting act is the perfect finale to a day of self discovery and empowerment.
- 5. Attitude Gives You Latitude
Change can actually be a positive experience. Find out how you can lead your team and create an atmosphere of understanding and support.
With theory reinforced with activities and situations as guidance in this one or two day workshop, you will learn to:
- set targets
- know yourself better in terms of how you relate to change
- set the stage for change
- find your passion as a leader with change
- create a culture of appreciation
- 6. Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
The world’s most popular personality measure
The MBTI is a powerful and versatile indicator of personality type. Widely used for individual, group and organizational development. Revised for even greater accuracy and relevance.
It is used to assist individuals in achieving their potential and encourage the constructive use of differences in their interactions on their team.
The MBTI is used for:
Individual Development – Identifying leadership style, developing managerial potential, time and stress management, and executive coaching
Team Building and Team Development – Improving communication, enhancing team problem solving, valuing diversity and resolving conflict
Organizational Change – Understanding and dealing with responses to rapid change, understanding team and corporate conflict
Improving Communication – Developing selling and influencing skills